Great Brak Grabadoo

When: Monday, 31 December 2012

Where: Great Brak

Fun in its festive bag, and one of the best fun family events is the Great Brak Grabadoo cycling and running event.

By far the biggest sports event in the Southern Cape this summer. Race organisers have already received queries from as far as Namibia about the event. The mountain bike event has proven to be extremely popular every year with biking enthusiasts and everyone from beginners to those serious cyclists training for the Argus find great fun (and training) in participating. Once again, there will be a 5km and 10km walk, the ideal opportunity to rope in the entire family and walk off those extra Christmas pounds.


Whilst mountain bikers can choose 15, 35, 55 or even 75km routes. The routes traverse the picturesque area surrounding Great Brak River and those in the know will tell you that this sleepy town is one of the most beautiful scenic splendours along the Garden Route, and that there is no better way to get up close and personal with its charm than when your tackies hit the tar or you pedal for pleasure.

The first 1 000 entrants will receive a Go-Multi cycling magazine with their race numbers, so get your ducks in a row and start practicing to be able to ring in the New Year with a healthy advantage (as well as a Great Brak Grabadoo medal).

All riders taking part in CSA sanctioned events are required to be a Member of CSA for the year in which the race takes place, or to have a valid day license for every day of participation. Membership or a day license is a race entry requirement and is thus a prerequisite to enter a race.

For more information, please feel free to contact Mimi Finestone on +27 (0)84 583-3144.